
7 tips to make your long drive more enjoyable

Much as you might expect your holiday on the beach, it is hard to forget about the long drive you must accomplish before that. It is worth to prepare for a long drive like that.

1) Stop regularly, especially when you travel with children or dogs. Both them and the driver need some exercise from time to time. 

2) After five hours of driving you might regret not travelling by plane but remember how much cheaper the holiday is this way and how much more money you will have to have fun.

3) Take enough drinks and food with you. Remember to choose food and drink that can be taken out and opened easily and be eaten while driving. No crumbs or mess.

4) Take some toys and games for the kids so that they would not disturb the driver with crying and quarrelling.

5) Travel wearing casual and comfortable clothes and do not forget your sunglasses. If you choose your clothes well, the only uncomfortable thing will be your seatbelts.

6) Prepare some entertainment for yourself, which helps to keep awake and concentrate. This can be a nice talk with passengers, word-games and a good CD.

7) If you own car is too small and not that comfortable for a long drive, and you travel with a load of luggage, rent a comfortable mini-bus instead, rather than travelling crowded into your own 5-person can for long hours.